Dr. William Horton on Why Now?

As you are getting ready to join this groundbreaking online addiction recovery training, you may ponder the question, why did they develop this now? After working in the recovery field for over 30+ years, I’m still amazed at the amount of misinformation and negativity there is surrounding addictions and recovery. I’ve given this much thought and decided to share with you what I’ve found through working with thousands of clients and being active in my own personal recovery.

I’ve been in a personal recovery for well over 33 years and, unfortunately, the same problems that were present 60 years ago are still present today. In fact, they’re probably worse. This fact was brought to my attention when I started going to more recovery meetings, researching how people get better, and watching people constantly relapse.

When I went back to being the Clinical Director of a substance abuse treatment unit, I saw the same misinformation that was present the last time I ran a unit in the 1990’s. It was also reinforced when I had the honor of being the clinical director of a Psych hospital in the Florida State prison system.

This became especially apparent as I was talking to a recovering alcoholic who, at one point, had several years of sobriety. Now he was unable to go more than a few weeks clean and sober. This addict was doing what many people would call the “relapse shuffle.” It seemed as if every week or two he was coming back into the A.A. or N.A. program after a drinking or drugging relapse. As I talked to him, the person revealed that he was also seeing a therapist and seeking medical help, all to no avail. As we talked my heart sank. I had been in that same boat but had found a way out. I searched for ways to give this person the hope that he could and should recover. I shared with him some of the things we’ll be talking about in this training and gave him some steps to help get back on track.

Seeing others struggle this way not only breaks my heart, it also causes me to wonder why some people make it and others don’t. I’m not the first to ask this question. This has been The Great Question that has plagued recovery professionals since the field started! Why do some people go to an Anonymous meeting, go to therapy, go to a medical doctor or seek spiritual release, then kick their addiction and get on with their lives? Why are some able to do this and recover, while others follow the same steps but with much different results? Some are never able to put down the drink or drug.

This led me back to some basic research and introspection into the recovery movement. I’ve had the honor of training many therapists in new techniques to help their clients recover from alcoholism and other addictions. As I teach these classes, I find that the therapists who have worked with people and their addictions all experience the same difficulties. Clients who do well at the beginning but then hit some stressor and return to the addictive behavior. At the same time, I was delighted to learn that the people who do recover from this devastating, often fatal, illness seem to be able to not only physically, mentally, and spiritually recover but also seem to be able to reach into their brains to remove the need and the drive for the addiction. This is The Great Secret of recovery.

So, as I reached for answers, I was again drawn back into the basics of how people truly recover and get on with their lives. Here, I have to give credit to Dr. Ronald A. Ruden and his book “The Craving Brain”. His book gave medical and physical evidence for what I have seen and experienced in the last 30+ years. The scientific research Ruden cited gave hard facts concerning a person’s ability to physically reprogram his or her brain in order to recover from an addiction. It also propelled me onward in my quest for a better method to recover from alcoholism and other addictions. The object of this is to give hope to those who may have reached the point of hopelessness. The recent breakthroughs in Neuroscience have not been incorporated into the addictions treatment field? Why not? That is the 35-billion-dollar question.

For over 25 years, I ran a clinic that used Hypnosis and Neuro Linguistic Programming to help people lose weight, stop smoking, lower stress, improve their sports games, and of course overcome addictions. In treating over 20,000 clients, I’ve found ways to rapidly help my clients reprogram their minds. Now I’ve taken what works from Psychotherapy, the 12 Step World, the medical community, and the best of the current alternative therapies and woven them into a new unique way to not just recover but become the person you always wanted to be. One of the keys to recovery is not only stopping but becoming the type of person who does not use.

This led me to develop the LiveFree Online Addiction Recovery Training to walk people through the steps of recovery. Hopefully, you’ll realize as you are reading this that you deserve to invest in yourself and obtain what’s needed for you or a loved one to finally put the addiction problem behind you. I’ve created this training for our clients and because my goal is to help people recover, I’ve made it easy to use and convenient. The important thing is for you to get a hold of these ideas so you can develop your own unique recovery program. So back to the question, why now? The answer is: I want to bring hope to the hopeless and help those who do not see a way out. I also want to help the family members of those same people. The techniques and ideas that I share with you here not only saved my life, but gave me a life worth living. That’s what I want for you. Getting better where you live is one of the secrets to recovery.

This training is not intended to replace traditional therapy, A.A., medical treatment, or spiritual advice. It is intended to help you recover from your addiction. The information in the LiveFree Training can be used by itself in the privacy of your home or with other treatment modalities under the care of a professional.

So, let’s get started!

William D. Horton, Psy.D. MCAP

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